January 31, 2021

Welcome to Rep. Bowman’s Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here

Dear neighbor, 

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family in good health and good spirits. As we heal from the tenure of the 45th president, and continue to endure the challenges of covid and the recent insurrection, I hope that you and your family are remaining safe and healthy. It is the honor of my life to serve this community in Washington, and I look forward to working with you to elevate the issues that matter most to our community. It is my job to meet your needs, keep you up to date, and work to make NY-16 a shining example of what all congressional districts can be. 

Although it has been a turbulent time, these first few weeks in Congress have only reaffirmed my commitment to this community and our country. Please help us to stay rooted in what’s happening in our district by clicking here and please share and sign up for our newsletter. As always, reach out to our office if we can be of any assistance to you and your family. 

Peace and love,

Rep. Jamaal Bowman

The COUP Act

On January 6, we all bore witness to a fascist, insurrectionist attack on our Capitol. Thankfully we are all safe from those who wished to harm us that day. But now we need to know: how was the mob able to breach the Capitol? In the past year and beyond, we’ve seen how in DC and across our country, peaceful protesters have been brutalized, assaulted, and maimed for protesting in defense of Black lives. How on earth did Capitol Police, with the awareness that there would be a potentially violent assembly of Trump supporters, white nationalists, and conspiracy theorists, not only seem so unprepared for the chaos that ensued, but in many cases allowed the mob inside and to walk free after?

Those questions demand an answer, which is why the first bill I introduced in Congress was the Congressional Oversight of Unjust Policing Act. We took incredible care to hire an amazing staff and within 48 hours of the insurrection, we had the draft of my first bill in Congress. If passed, the COUP Act would form a 9/11-style commission to investigate any and all coordination between members of the Capitol Police and the white nationalist groups that were behind the attack on our Capitol, and whether those ties played a part in the unpreparedness or unwillingness to fortify our Capitol. The bill seeks to investigate the FBI, Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security as well. What did we know? When did we know it? And why weren’t we more prepared? In addition, the commission would investigate other matters related to the events of January 6, including whether foreign agents or the Trump administration coordinated with the insurrectionists. 

We must not only hold the insurrectionists accountable, but also address the systemic racism that continues to plague our nation. This attempted coup was emblematic of this ongoing illness and we must fight to end it. 

District Update

On Monday January 18th, I had the privilege of participating in the “I Have a Dream” Walk for MLK with congregants and community members from Butler Memorial Methodist Church, Trinity Baptist Church, Crawford Memorial Church and St. Luke’s Episopal. I also had the opportunity to speak with constituents at the LIFE Progressive Services Group Inc. food distribution event in Mt. Vernon. We were able to pass out food to those in need and to discuss how to support those dealing with food insecurity going forward. 

This month our office began a community listening series where we spoke to different groups about affordable housing, elder services and immigration in the district. We are interested in hearing more about issues and concerns throughout NY-16. Please send us your comments and concerns HERE.

We are also pleased to report that our district offices are up and running! If you would like to speak with someone from my team, please find the contact information for each office below. At this time, our offices are working remotely due to COVID-19. We are available to assist you with any concerns relating to federal agencies along with local concerns as well. To expedite the process please complete our privacy release form HERE.

For press requests: Email bowman.press@mail.house.gov

For scheduling requests: Email bowman.scheduling@mail.house.gov

For other requests: Visit bowman.house.gov/contact

Covid Vaccinations 

As legislators work on providing more access to vaccinations for the COVID-19 pandemic, I have included some resources below to assist those looking to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in New York. 

Observing Holocaust Remembrance Day

Last month, we joined the chorus of millions of voices around the world and in NY-16 in commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day. As we reflect and remember, we must recognize that antisemitism persists and takes many forms today. Just this month, we saw antisemites among those who stormed our Capitol. The horrors of the Holocaust must remain top of mind — over 6 million Jewish lives were taken in the genocide. In the words of Elie Wiesel, we must “swear never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation."

Share your story for Black History Month

Happy Black History Month! History is made in the Black community on a year round basis, especially here in the District. While Black History Month is ongoing in February, we want to highlight work and accomplishments from you! If you or even someone you know has a special story of something you accomplished that was groundbreaking, tell me about it here. It could be for becoming the youngest person at your job to become a manager or even the first person in your family to get a vocational license. 

Inauguration tickets

This year, the Inauguration of our 46th President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris  was closed to the public due to COVID-19 and security concerns. As a result, our office was not able to provide tickets for physical attendance. However, we do have commemorative tickets available. If you would like to receive an inaugural ticket, please fill out this form. Priority will be given to those in the 16th Congressional District and will be allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis.